It's been raining for weeks. Seriously, weeks. I haven't watered anything is a few weeks and the garden is green and grass is super long. The only thing that doesn't get wet are three window boxes of impatiens that are under the eaves. However, I have thrown some water on them, and they are doing much better than the ones I had in last year!
This past weekend we went to Bolton Spring Farm and Appleseed Farm (Bolton and Stowe) and bought some of the first peaches and a few plants on sale. I was surprised how many garden centers in my area had already closed for the season. Many of the signed said they would reopen in October or November, but also pointed the way towards the newly opened orchards. While it is a bit early for apples, the peaches are coming in as best as they can with the rain. We bought seconds (meaning they had fallen from the tree and not picked) and I made my first peach crumple and peach pie. But wow did they go soft quick. Today, two days after I bought them, the one I didn't use was nearly liquid on my counter. It was a quick trip to the compost heap! By the way, I dug down into the compost over the weekend and really saw what they mean by black gold! I cannot wait to spread it over the garden to prep it for the winter. Until then, I piled up the pile of forsythia and evergreen branches that I had trimmed last week. Our front yard no longer looks like serial killers live in the area. Except my butchered job on the front hedge. But hey, it looks good from OUR side!
So, besides the rain, there has been the coolness. Today's high was about 73, yesterday was 69, the day before in the low 70s as well. As a result of this early coolness, I do not think I will get a watermelon or--and this hurts--my giant pumpkin. The vines continue to grow and sprout yellow leaves, but no fruit. I think that the great pumpkin contest of '08 will need to be called off.

Squash flower....there are tons! If you know a good recipe for stuffed squash flowers, please let me know! The veggie patch has been giving us string beans every day. I've been blanching them (boiling water for 30 seconds) and then freezing two portion bags of them so we can eat them in the winter. Makes me feel like an early settler. Or just smart.
In the flower garden, the cosmos, zinnia, and aster are beginning to bloom, and the morning glories give a great show each day. The snapdragons continue to grow and rebloom, and I clipped a nice bouquet this morning to bring into my office. The baby's breath is almost done, but the bachelor's buttons are just popping out their blooms as well. Today I realized I had a lot of blue flowers, and am hoping some of the aster are bright red. The morning glories are blue and white striped, and even when they close they are interesting--kind of like marshmallow candies...or maybe I just like candy! Below left is one open, and right is one closed. They really do give the broken down fence a new look each day. Next year I am going to see if I can really cover up the entire fence. It's a bit easier and less expensive than replacing it. ;)

Over the weekend my mom and I weeded and weeded some more. With the rain comes the weeds. I planted a delphinium that is bright purple and light blue (yes, yes more blue), and it looks great next to the yellow coreopsis. I also bought some neat bright pink globe thistles. Below is a pic of some of the coreopsis and the white baby's breath. Yes, that IS baby's breath! I double checked the seed packet. While it's not the type that florists usually have in bouquet, I like this version more. Adds volume to bouquets.

One thing that has changed since I began gardening and cutting my own flowers is the desire to cut flowers from other people's yard. Today I had a pair of scissors in my car because I cut the snapdragons while on my way out. I passed an awesome set of black eyed susies and sunflowers and really had to restrain myself from not pulling over and snipping them. Although they were in the community gardens...and I live in the community. Maybe I'll sneak down after dark...
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