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Another weekend, not enough weeding. I really had good intentions to rid the garden of weeds these past two days, but life got in the way. As in bridal showers, thunder showers, and a beach day. But what a great beach day it was (in between the rain clouds!).
Floridian weather has returned to the northeast in the form of violent thunderstorms. Each time I see a black thunderhead in the sky I run to shut all my windows, sturdy the growing bean vines, and hope my two cats continue to ignore the thunderclaps that shake my house to the slab foundation. Today the garage flooded once again, but I was just happy that I cut flowers yesterday before all the rain could flatten them into the mud. Here is a picture of my wonderful fresh garden bouquet!
Here are a few more pictures of the garden over the past week...
clematis blooming...they are pretty much done now.
The veggie patch! Pole beans are in the back, then tomatoes, the cuces, squash, and before I pulled the lat of the lettuce. :)
We are expecting thunderstorms every day now, and I am crossing my fingers that the pumpkins and watermelon get enough sun to develop full fruit. The squash are all fruit bearing right now, and I think the first harvest will occur on August 1, if not sooner!
Be prepared for veggies...
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