The lettuce is still small, but coming in nicely. This week I'll have to thin it out a bit.

Out front the trellis that Jon built is becoming surrounded by hostas and clematis. It within stood a wind storm last week and Jon is going to reinforce the top so it will withstand any strong gusts.
As the hostas are coming up I thought now would be the best time to move them before they start spreading more. As we were short on time because of our weekend schedule and the kiddo, I decided that the front four center ones were the most important to move. These are dead center on the lawn and if we took those ones out we have an opportunity to fill in the large gap that started when a rhododendron died a few years ago. These hostas took up a good part of the space, but I want to put something else in front of the house. Plus, the hostas are killing the lawn, and it is most apparent in the center.

I moved the hostas to the rock area bordering our neighbor's driveway. They look pretty good and I hope they survive the transplanting. I gave them a nice drink of water to make sure the roots would stay hydrated.

Hostas on the left...on the right is a barren patch of land I've been trying to resculpt for years.

Area in the front where the hostas were. You can see the bare patch in front of the stones where the grass has been killed from the hosta's large leaves.
Our good friends J&K in Dot gave us 2 giant trays of petunias today that will be going into the window boxes soon.

In a quick walk around the garden today I noticed that the tulips are at their peak. These two are GIANT...well over 2 feet high. You can see them in the right hand side of the photo below too.

The bees are going crazy for the andromeda (below). I never knew what these were until we had them. But my favorite memory of this plant is when I was little and over at my aunt's house in New Jersey. I was playing with my sister and two cousins and one of the neighbor's had this cool plant. We started pulling off the little beaded flowers and throwing them at each other. I'm pretty sure we stripped it bare, but it was a lot of fun, throwing the little flowers at each other.

And lastly, the dogwood is starting to bloom! In a few days our backyard will be in full blossom...

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