OK, it isn't that bad, it's just that winter has stuck around a long while. We had snow 6 days ago.
What's blooming? Amazingly I do have blooms. My hellebore has greenish white blossoms that are turning pink as they age. It's a small plant that I put in last year, and the flowers are larger than the rest of the bush so far. Hellebore is an early spring flower, which is why I put it in.

[Above: Hellebore blossoms covered in snow] A full description of Hellebore is easily found on Wiki.
There are many crocus (croci?) in my lawn. I planted a whole bunch in the fall of 09 and they have begun to spread. Some of the more established daffodils are up but not open, and my tulips are also up. Not sure if these will open as it's their 3rd or 4th year and tulips tend to have short bulb life...especially if you buy them from the bargain bins of supermarkets or home depot like I do. My 100 daffodils that I planted in 2009 are just beginning to come up. Last year they were up and blooming by now, so it's interesting to see the variance in seasons. We definitely got rocked this year by winter, and I honestly am ready to skip this cool spring and head into a hot summer. I need warmth.
But the weather is picking up and with no snow in the forecast this weekend and seasonable temps (50s Saturday, 60 on Sunday!) I may trudge out into the garden and begin cleaning. I have seed packets ready to be planted. Mostly cool weather crops like lettuce, spinach, and peas. I decided to not begin any indoors this year as the porch is still not set up and my 11 month old tends to put everything in his mouth...I'm sure the soil filled peat pots wouldn't last long.
Since last updating this blog, I've joined my town's garden club. So far that has meant going to winter teas and updating their Facebook page.

For now though the daffodils are in the grocery stores. I got 3 for $5 at Idylwilde Farm in Acton last week. They are one of my absolute favorite flowers. I love having fresh flowers in the house!

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