The weather lately has been more like August than June in the Northeast. Everyday has been in the mid-80s with a chance of thunderstorms. And they usually come too. Last Friday we had a flash flood in the area, closing roads and leaving our entire garage with 3-5 inches of water. While it all drained out fast (I have no idea where it went), any boxes we were storing are soggy and trash-bound. Thankfully though, the vegetable garden was not flooded, and the squash plants--which are notorious for being finicky about wet leaves--live on.
I began planting my window boxes yesterday. I chose impatiens because they do well in the shade, and are pretty low maintenance. I plan on putting ivy in between the flowers to fill in the boxes a bit. They are under an eave so they stay very dry. This evening I will finish the other two boxes, but I have to do it through the windows of the house. While I'm not thrilled about lugging the bag of soil over the carpets, it will be easier than going into the overgrown jungle of the shrubbery and fighting the buggies. I am pretty sure I developed an immunity to mosquitoes this summer as I've been ravaged! I barely notice the itchy feelings anymore, even though my back is a mess of bites.
The cutting flower garden is growing nicely and the snapdragon bloom appeared this morning. The second clematis vine opened and it is a very deep purple bloom. Very different from the pale ones on the lamppost. The orange lilies have also opened in the front of the house, and I am thinking the ones on the side will be a few days behind because of the shade.
Cucumber, onions, and bush beans have been planted in the garden, replacing spinach and some of the lettuce. The garden needs to be a bit bigger, and I've begun planting outside the borders. Next year we'll increase it a few feet all around so the plants can have more room. Or maybe I'll have more plants.
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