Ahhh, a 3-day weekend to work outside. The weather is beautiful today, although yesterday there was a chill when the sun went behind the clouds. I began digging out the cut flower bed yesterday and took out the roots of a Russian Olive tree that had taken over the area until we cut it back last year. I also found the roots to a few other bushes that I dug out. Today we are going to finish clearing out the maple and oak saplings that have taken root and hopefully will be off to the garden center for the first row of flower plantings this afternoon!
The iris flowers are all open on the east side of the house. We have yellow and light blues, which have filled in where the daffodils were blooming a few weeks ago.

Jon and I have been trying to identify plants that the last owners had put in, and besides the weeds and this one below, we're doing a pretty good job. One of the plants I had posted on my "Weed or Flower" blog has been identified as Sweet Woodruff. I found it in a Better Homes and Gardens yard care book. If you

know what this blue groundcovery flower is, please send an email! It's growing under lilies, next to bleeding heart and myrtle.
It's too nice to stay inside to blog, so I'm off to the flower patch!

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