With Tax Day now here, there is a frenzy in the air. Unfortunately, for me it hasn't spread too much to the garden. However, while I've been working on presentations and taxes, Jon took last weekend off from gaming to officially (and safely!) connect the house and garage's electricity together. He dug about a 20-foot ditch that was 10ish inches deep to bury a cable wire that brings power to our freezer, workbench area, and car emporium.
The hostas have begun to come up on the side of the house and in front a bit, and we need to get going on diving and conquoring them. Last year they were very much a lush part of our garden, but as at every party, the overly lush is only tolerated for so long. The hostas eventually blocked our entrance into the back yard, and combined with the lilies, tried to overtake the front walk too. The ones we are most concerned with are the backyard blocking ones, so we will be moving them to the side of the house to border the driveway, and pruning back the ones that border the front walk. I've been offering them to people, and since my mother is so far the only taker, we may have to learn to live with them--or train them better anyway. Instead of diving through the jungle to get to the yard, we plan on putting the herb garden near the back path, and placing stepping stones to get into the yard. The area gets a good amount of sun (southern facing) and will be a real treat for us coming home from work, as we can enjoy the herbal smell as we enter our house. Also, it's a quick jump to the bar-b-que for grilling with fresh herbs!

Today I finished cleaning out the dead leaves from the side of the garage, and turned the soil nice. I am thinking of picking up some pansies this weekend and have a few places in mind {like here by the garage} and I really want to get a few hanging baskets for outside the front door.
Also this weekend I really need to dig out the garden plot. The peas are ready to be planted in the soil. We first need to get rid of the brush pile we've been storing there all winter though.
The flowers are really coming up now, with the established daffodils in bloom. One I planted is in bloom, but rest of them, along with the tulips and hyacinth are really growing. One thing that I am really excited to see coming up in the garden is the bleeding heart plants. I love their flowers in the summer...like dripping little hearts.

Go play in the dirt!

Left: Established daffodils outside the back door. Right: Bleeding heart emerging from the soil.
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